Monday, November 11, 2013

The Zombies News is a Horde, No, Really!

Don’t know if you now this but I am one of the people who contribute to The Great Brain Robbery, a blog that discusses brain research. I read a dozen blogs every day until I find something I want to talk about, and then I talk about it, and then I shake my head out how little we know.

And I am amazed at how many times the subject of zombies comes up. Not just because zombies eat brains! Zombies really are a thing, they’re everywhere, they’re in the annals of scientific discourse. I mean, talk about a metaphor eating its way through the flesh of innocent subjects, sheesh.

There’s this story, about the uncanny valley, which is a metaphor for our comfort with life-like robots. At first we’re okay with ‘em, but as they get more human-like we get creeped out, and then we’re okay again. It’s in the eyes specifically, according to the research, which is why zombies eyes can be made to terrify us before they even drool blood and gurgle a request for our intestines.

And then there was this story, which led me to the source of “Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency (I wrote about that a few weeks ago). Again, found it from a brain blogger. He also provided this: How World War Z Should Have Ended.

I could dedicate a whole blog post to any one of these. But I have one on Zombie children in Africa, Zombies in Puerto Rico, and one on necrotizing fasciitis to write (all of which will feature Dr. Dratoc, by the way). There’s too much!

A few weeks ago I switched from two posts a day to one, and I was thinking about dropping to three times a week. But then they’ll get me. The zombie news will crash through this brittle walls, rip me to shred and consumer my quivering flesh. I am literally shaking right now. Ignore that coffee cup. I am literally shaking!

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